Roberta Burke with Eastern Shore Chic
This family piece has been handed down... But was definitely in need of a new look. Our client chose a fun Pop of color called Robin's Egg by Retique It. I also used liquid wood on the top to cover over the old damage and use the wood grain tool to keep it rustic. Dark oak water-based Gel Stain was the perfect color to go with the Robin's Egg paint.

How It's Done
Paint It
• Pour 1-part denatured alcohol (or rubbing alcohol) and 1-part water into a spray bottle or bowl. Wipe surface down with mixture.
• If surface is shiny or it has a wax/furniture polish on it, then scuff the entire surface up with sandpaper to give it tooth (This is just to remove any wax and give better adherence for the base coat.)
• Patch any divots or holes with Retique It® Mud.
• Apply one coat of Retique It® Light Wood as your base coat.
• Clean your brush while you give the project 2 hours to dry completely. If you are limited on time, then use a blow dryer (Dry time may take as little as 15 minutes with the use of a blow dryer on high heat)
• Apply a second coat of light wood.
• Make your final strokes long and even.
• Clean your brush while you give the project another 2 hours to dry completely (Consider using a blow dryer again)
• Move your hand over the surface, if any bumps or specs are detected, then lightly sand them smooth.
• Apply the first coat as a thin layer.
• Apply the second coat thick and smooth finish in long even strokes
• Apply a third coat in any area that is not completely covered.
• Clean your brush between each layer while you allow 2 hours to dry completely. If you are limited on time, then use a blow dryer (Dry time may take as little as 15 minutes with the use of a blow dryer on high heat)
Grain It (Optional)
• Apply a thin coat of either Dark or Bleached Liquid Wood in small sections at a time about the size of a wood plank. This is so that the Liquid Wood does not have time to dry before you grain it.
• While the liquid wood is still wet, pull your graining tool in long even strokes across the entire piece. Rolling the graining tool up or down will create the grain variation and knots. Do not stop when pulling the graining tool from one end of the surface to the other. Try keeping one long continuous movement.
• Wipe your graining tool off with a damp paper towel between strokes.
• If you don't like the grain, then pull the graining tool over it again. If you still don't like it, then paint more liquid wood over it and start on that stroke again.
• Wash your brush while you allow your project to dry for 2 hours or use a blow dryer to speed up your dry time.
Stain It (for the top)
Lightly pull excess stain off with a lint-free cloth after giving it a couple of minutes to absorb
Each coat will make your finish darker. You can do between 1 and 4 coats...
Seal It
• While Ultratique is an all-in-one, liquid wood must be sealed for durability.
The more thin coats the greater the durability.
If you are painting a tabletop or other surface that requires increased durability, it is advisable to add more layers of protect. Ultratique is the equivilant of one layer of tripletique.