This beautiful color can be achieved by mixing 1 part Black Indigo and one part Viridian for a color we call "Peacock"

How It's Done
Mix It
Best to use a container large enough for your brush or a paint tray
Paint It
• Pour 1-part denatured alcohol (or rubbing alcohol) and 1-part water into a spray bottle or bowl. Wipe surface down with mixture.
• Patch any divots or holes with Retique It® Mud.
• Apply the first coat as a thin layer.
• Apply the second coat thick and smooth finish in long even strokes
• Apply a third coat in any area that is not completely covered.
• Clean your brush between each layer while you allow 2 hours to dry completely. If you are limited on time, then use a blow dryer (Dry time may take as little as 15 minutes with the use of a blow dryer on high heat)
Seal it (Optional)
If you are painting a tabletop or other surface that requires increased durability, it is advisable to add more layers of protect. Ultratique is the equivilant of one layer of tripletique.
The more thin coats the greater the durability.